Daedalus Projects is a work which explores the difference in looking at something as a mundane object and looking it as an artistic object. Starting within frameworks which are more mundane and outside of the scope of Art, and then by re-presenting them in a way which both shows the hand of an artist and pushes the viewer to label them as Art, this project models a corporate structure which becomes more dilapidated as the viewer understands and explores it.
Daedalus Projects deploys a broad scope of medium to create a paracosm in which I, Brian Gordon, am the CEO and founder of Daedalus Projects, a high-tech headwear company. The ground level of this project is the creation of the fake company and my fake character within it. As this concept gets realized through various artifacts, each form relates to some mundane object it references, while also holding a specific set of differences that cohere to the broader concept of the company. This allows for Daedalus Projects as a conceptual framework to be fleshed out, but each artifact stands as a work in itself; as I make more pieces they coagulate into the project, but also elaborate on the meaning each presents, as well as the total meaning they add up to. Although all of the pieces I am making for this project fit into one whole, they will be presented in different ways and at different times, which can make them read along various parts of the spectrum from mundane to artistic. Pieces will be seen in the museum, making them read fully as art, but other elements, such as business cards, will be dispersed separately and be read generally as mundane objects. The confusion between what is Art and what isn’t, and what is fact vs fiction adds to the tension between Reality and Paracosm which this work thrives on.
The 2016-2017 Product Guide