Brin Gordon is an animator, dramaturg, and pataphysician inhabiting a nonbinary identity in Los Angeles, where they are completing their Masters degree in Experimental Animation at the California Institute of the Arts with a concentration in Integrated Media. They were born in Nashville, TN, where they burst fully formed at seven feet tall from an irradiated copy of If on a winter's night a travler by Italo Calvino. After becoming a chess grandmaster by the age of 4, a HUD advisor at 9, and an internationally renowned hand model at 13, they turned their interests to Art: wondering why it was capitalized and how they might make out of it a delicious meal.

They became confused about why nobody seemed to understand that the world was in fact a giant playground, and wondered why everything was the same as it is. Thinking that things were most generally the way they were because they have always been that way, they decided to make a practice of using their hands and words to grab what was around them and smash it together into something new. Their focus is on making a world of play, one which can be built again and again when it stops working, or just when we want to have some fun.

On a quiet night in their studio or the forest, you might hear them proclaim “I work to inhabit life like a burlesque mythology, bend genre and gender, revel in human waste, invite new forms of contact and thought, plan extravagant meals, truly share experiences, and generally make a mess of things! I mean all of this literally and at times metaphorically.” Their work makes a point to make the literal metaphoric and the metaphor literal. They take a confectionary approach to the world, sampling as many possible positions, techniques, and approaches as they can. While failing daily to distinguish between thought and action or art and life, their work manifests mostly in the forms of animated videos, performance for the stage, and writings both poetic and theoretical.

If one were to approach their work as Art, they might read into it a deep exploration of meaning making, with questions raised about how we come to understand ourselves in the world, and the many intersecting ideas which we use to build our lives. This may look like a video exploring the boundaries of epistemological claims centered around Stonehenge and prepositions, the invention of a new type of lineage centered around adaptation of the play The Constant Prince, or week long structured retreats to a barn in Virginia to try and build a new language out of dance. In all of these excrements of processes, one will see a fixation on blurring boundaries, language in all its forms, playful thinking, and the human body.