Periproxology is a method for generating knowledge in which puns, neologisms, and metaphors are taken seriously. It is a process of looking at words or assemblages of words and finding meaning in them. Not trying to constrain these terms to a single meaning, Periproxology allows and encourages all the multiple meanings signified simultaneously to remain in play. Periproxology isn’t necessarily interested in creating anything new, as much as rubbing syzygetic truths together and seeing what comes out. It brings meanings together, and studies what terms we come to.

The word Periproxology itself is a syzygy of syllables: a neologism minted out of the allignment of the prefix “peri-”, the root “prox-” and the suffix “-ology”. All of these syllables exist, reference a meaning; their combination points towards a possible cosanguinity of the meanings they make. The existence of the signifier Periproxolgy alludes to a signified which is formed through the dereference of meaning from these syzygetic syllables.

Embracing the distance between itself and what it studies, Periproxology is about metaphors and aphorisms. It understands that metaphors and aphorisms themselves aren’t the thing, but are simply about the thing, or that they signal prepositionally to the thing. The thing could be a duck – as in “the thing to do is duck!” –– whether the duck to you is a lovely green headed mallard with a little purple in its wings, or a simply dazzling fulvous whistling duck standing in a dark abyss in your minds eye, is up to you, [and is information we hope you’d be kind enough to keep to yourself.] Periproxology mines metaphoric, aphoristic and poetic language for its own knowledge-building and seriously playful projects.

Some topics of Periproxology are:

Transfixture Studies On Stuff and Things The Transject of The Constant Prince Pararproctology
Einman: Einstein, Eisenstein, and Eisenman
Belaborating the Pataphor
Are We Human or Are We Dancer? A ‘pataphysical reading of The Killers masterpiece
Shipping and the Transportation of Desire
A Look At Wage
Experiencing Horse Anatomies
What We Talk About When We Talk About Talking About Things: A semiotic analysis of semiotic analyses
The Subliminal Sublime and Our Bodies in Ethernity
Arithmetics of Commodity
Scale and Ruling: Measurement, Control, Overcoming
CGI, Index, and Metadocumentary Practices